
Origins Super Spot Remover

I'm very sceptical when it comes to changing my skincare routine - or putting anything on my face for that matter. My skin is extremely prone to breakouts; I've had this every since I was a child. It's not eczema or rosacea. I just get acne (small bumps under the skin). If you have either eczema or rosacea, then this product is not for you. I'd recommend Sudocrem for redness and PanOxyl 10 Aquagel for treatment. Both are excellent products. I'm much more confident when trying make-up as I am with skincare. This is because I use my skincare products everyday whereas make-up I don't and if the product doesn't work, I'm pretty much screwed. Unfortunately, it takes my skin ages to recover from breakouts or allergic reactions so I have to be so careful. Yet the reviews on this product were pretty good so I thought I would give it a go.

One of my favourite YouTubers Vivianna, who I have bought her recommendations before and loved them, mentioned the Origins Super Spot Remover in her monthly favourites. She said it was a wonderful product that she would keep repurchasing. Sounds good. Here's what Origins say:

"Red PMS blemish? Bad joke breakout? Heal, fight and fade it fast. Just dab a dot and feel blemish-busting Salicylic Acid instantly help speed healing while anti-spot technology helps visibly correct post blemish darkening. Skin-calming caffeine and red algae help visibly relieve irritating redness. And to help keep skin looking spotless, super exfoliators eliminate excess oils and pore-clogging debris."

But does it work?

The first time I used it, I didn't notice anything the next day. I kept using it at night and after about three days I was starting to notice that a lot of the redness surrounding my breakouts disappeared. It also seems like they minimised the size of the breakout. I was looking at the website and it says that its "best for all skin types". Now I have dry/combination skin (more of the combination side) and I found that it made my skin extremely dry. Especially where I had applied the product. I didn't really mind as by the time I washed my face and moisturised in the morning, it was hardly noticeable. So is it worth the £13.00 for the smallest bottle in the world? I'm not too sure. I've seen similar results from PanOxyl - the only difference is that it is £10 cheaper! However I do think that it does work extremely well in reducing redness more than anything else. I also like the fact that it gives a tingly sensation once applied. Some people I've read don't like this, but personally I love it. If you are on the fence about purchasing this product (like I was), I would definitely go for it. What have you got to loose?

Suzanna xoxo

Ps. After three weeks of it being delayed, my sports day is tomorrow! I might do an outfit of the day considering I'm not participating. I also want to show you my new nails which I'm in love with.