
Floozie by Frost French "Darling, are you balmy?"

I'm always up for trying new lip products, especially now that summer is coming up. As much as I love my Revlon Lip Butters, I'm looking for a new-found obsession that fits my ideal lip criteria: firstly, it has to have a gorgeous colour and secondly, has to be some-what moisturising and not drying.

I was digging through my box of un-used gifts/makeup and found an appealing box filled with three lip balms inside.

It's called "Darling, are you balmy?"* and is by Floozie by Frost French - a brand exclusive, I believe, to Debenhams here in the UK. Intrigued, I opened it and the colours were so interesting! A bright red, pastel lilac and a baby pink. I got swatching.

As you can see they are very sheer. In fact, the red was the only one that I was able to swatch because of this. The other two were practically invisible! However, they are really easy to apply and don't feel drying which is always a positive thing. On terms of moisturising (like a lip balm is meant to do) they don't do a very good job. When you first apply, they feel nice and cooling yet after literally five minutes the feel, and colour, has vanished. In addition, on the box it says they are "delicately fragranced". Never mind the strawberry, cherry and vanilla scent it claims, they all smell like sweets!

Despite this, the packaging is adorable! But that's the only positive thing I have to say about them, if I'm completely honest with you. And in all fairness, the packaging doesn't even matter.

Overall Thoughts
Product: 2/5
Pigmentation: 0/5
Texture: 3/5
Longevity: 0/5
Application: 3/5
Packaging: 5/5

Have you tried any Floozie products before? What do you think?

Suzanna xoxo