
Beauty Reward Cards

With under a fortnight to go, I'm sure the majority of us have already started our Christmas shopping. Shopping this time of year is always exciting - buying for others is so much fun but it can also be terribly expensive especially if there are many people you need to buy for. For the females in my life I tend to buy either clothes (if I know them well enough to know their sizes and their style of course) or beauty/skincare related gifts! My favourite places to shop for this criteria are Boots and Space NK as they have such a vast selection on offer. Saving money can be so easy with rewards cards. When you buy a product you get points which add up to real money which you can spend on anything you want. Here are my favourite programmes to join...

N.dulge: This is the rewards scheme for Space NK for which every £1 you spent in store or online gives you one point. When you reach 100 points (aka spending £100) you receive a £5 incentive that you can spend on anything you want. The more points you earn, the better the programme becomes and you have the opportunity to join the luxe programme if you spend enough within the first twelve months. It's 100% free, and so worth it - especially with the amazing gift sets they offer this time of month, you'll be racking up the points in no time.

Boots advantage card: I believe this is my most used rewards card. For every £1 you spend, you collect 4 points. Then the points turn into real money that you can use in store and online. So for example, if you have 1000 points, that means you have £10 to spend on whatever you wish. You'll be surprised how quickly the points add up. Boots normally have special discounts around this time of year to collect even more points, so definitely sign up!

NUS Extra: Not for everyone, but if you're a student in the UK, you should definately concider siging up to this programme. It costs £10 so sign up and you need proof of being a student (obvs), but then you get so many insane discounts on so many brands it's unreal. You can get discounts for up to 30% in stores such as Urban Outfitters, Topshop, River Island, Superdrug, Office, Zara as well as restaurants and many other places. It lasts for one year before you renew, and you end up saving hundreds of pounds. It is seriously worth it if you are a student, especially in university.

So, they are my favourites and I highly recommend you sign up. They're (mostly) free anyway!