
Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliners in Aquapop, Blackberry, Flash, Black and, Steel Review with Swatches

Left-right: Black // Blackberry // Aquapop // Steel // Flash

Avon are, in my opinion, best for eyeliners. They are so affordable and have the best pigmentation ever. The only problem is they run out so quickly (yet for £3-£6 I don't really mind repurchasing)!

The Supershock Gel Eyeliners are the best ones I've found from the vast range Avon offer. They are basically gel eyeliners in a pencil form, meaning they're so thick and really easy to apply. They don't drag or pull on the eye which makes them great for the upper-lash line. Nevertheless, they are still long lasting enough to wear on the water/tight line all day without budge.

Out of the 5 shades I own my favourite is "aquapop". It's super bright and pigmented and is gonna look great in the summer. The "black" one is my favourite all-time black eyeliner and "flash" is great for on the waterline to open the eyes up.

If you haven't tried them, you should. Xoxo